CiA® 444 series: CANopen profiles for container-handling machine add-on devices

This three-part profile specifies the CANopen CC interfaces for container-handling machine add-on devices (e.g., spreaders). The container-handling machines include ship-to-shore cranes, mobile harbor cranes, straddle carriers, rail mounted gantry cranes, rubber-tyred gantry cranes, etc. Spreaders from different manufacturers implementing this profile may be attached to a container-handling machine as all motions of the spreader are controlled from the driver’s cab via standardized CANopen communication. Thus, a crane manufacturer does not need to hold several spreader spare parts available. The same interface implementation may be also used in diverse crane types of one manufacturer. Also, the failure diagnostics may be done via CANopen using off-the-shelf tools.

The profile specifies the CANopen interfaces for crane spreaders (CiA 444-2) and for spreaders of straddle carriers (CiA 444-3). CiA 444-1 provides physical layer (e.g., cabling) recommendations and general communication objects. If the CANopen physical layer (see CiA 301) is not suitable for the electrical environment of the container-handling machine/spreader application, the system designer may use other physical layers (e.g., wireless, fiber optical transmission) that are connected via converters to the CAN transceivers. The container-handling machine implements the CANopen manager functions including the NMT (network management) manager functions (see CiA 302-1 and CiA 302-2). The container-handling machine add-on devices mandatory support the NMT server functionality (see CiA 301).
The crane spreader interface (CiA 444-2) specifies two TPDOs (transmit process data objects) and two RPDOs (receive process data objects). Depending on the four defined classes, the spreader transmits and receives only the values specified for its class. Besides spreader control and status information, the profile specifies several actual values (telescope and twin-set position, current and voltage, load, etc.) as well as some general information (rated values, spreader model and manufacturer, time information and height over container, etc.).
The straddle carrier spreader interface (CiA 444-3) provides similar functions as the crane-to-spreader interface and specifies three TPDOs and two RPDOs used dependent on class (up to four) functionality. Direction assignments and definitions however are different from a crane spreader. Spreader control and status information, actual and rated values and some general information such as spreader-related information, distance between spreader and container, side shift position, and weight range values, are provided.
Some crane in-vehicle networks are based on AS-Interface. For container management, the RFID (radio frequency identification) technology may be used. Thus, CANopen profile for RFID devices (CiA 445) and interface profile for AS-Interface gateways (CiA 446) can be used together with the CiA 444 profile. The application note CiA 808 describes the recommended practice and gives application hints for implementing the CANopen connection of crane and spreader according to CiA 444.
Some crane in-vehicle networks are based on AS-Interface. For container management the RFID (radio frequency identification) technology may be used. Thus, CANopen profile for RFID devices (CiA 445) and interface profile for AS-Interface gateways (CiA 446) can be used together with the CiA 444 profile. The application note CiA 808 describes the recommended practice and gives application hints for implementing the CANopen connection of crane and spreader according to CiA 444.
Title | Details | Published Size |
Status Action |
ScopeThis specification specifies the CANopen application layer. This includes the data types, encoding rules and object dictionary objects as well as the CANopen communication services and protocols. In addition, this specification specifies the CANopen network management services and protocols. This specification specifies the CANopen communication profile, e.g. the physical layer, the pre- defined communication object identifier connection set, and the content of the Emergency, Time- stamp, and Sync communication objects. |
2011-02-21 3 MB | PAS Login |
ScopeThis document defines additional services and functionalities that extend the services and functionalities of the CiA 301: CANopen — application layer and communication profile. These additional services and functionalities are not required for CANopen devices, but may be useful for certain types of networks. This includes network management, configuration and program download, network variables and process image, dynamic SDO management, network redundancy, and multi-level networking. |
2009-02-02 142 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThe definition of the network management includes the definition of the network startup behavior as well as definitions that are related to networks that operate without NMT master, networks with one CANopen device capable of the NMT master mode, and networks with more than one CANopen device capable of the NMT master mode (NMT flying master for higher availability). These definitions are intended to be an add-on to the CANopen application layer and communication profile (see /CiA301/). |
2009-02-02 2 MB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis document specifies the physical layer, and some general CANopen communication parameter objects. |
2022-05-02 275 KB | DS Login |
ScopeThis document specifies the device profile for crane spreaders including process data and process data objects. |
2022-05-02 1 MB | DS Login |
ScopeThis document specifies the device profile for straddle carrier spreaders including process data and process data objects. |
2022-04-12 1 MB | DS Login |
ScopeThis document specifies the CANopen interface for simple and sophisticated radio frequency identification (RFID) devices. This includes the specification of the physical layer, the data link layer, and the application layer as well as the specification of process data, configuration parameters, and diagnostic information. This includes commands and possibilities to control an RFID reader via the CANopen network. |
2022-04-29 1 MB | DS Login |
ScopeThis profile defines the CANopen interface for gateways connecting AS -Interface circuits. One single CANopen logical device supports up to two AS-Interface circuits. The gateway implements AS-interface master functionality. |
2006-11-06 1 MB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis documents describes the recommended practice and gives application hints for implementing the connection of crane and spreader compliant with the CiA 444-1 and CiA 444-2 specifications. |
2021-03-23 440 KB | TR Login |