Who we are
CAN in Automation (CiA) is the international users’ and manufacturers’ group for CAN (Controller Area Network), internationally standardized in the ISO 11898 series. In 1992, the nonprofit association has been established. The aim is to provide an unbiased platform for future CAN-related specifications and standards.
Currently, 715 members have joined CAN in Automation (CiA). Have a look at our members list.
Join the community
CAN in Automation (CiA)
Kontumazgarten 3
DE-90429 Nuremberg
Tel.: +49-911-928819-0
Fax: +49-911-928819-79
E-mail: headquarters@can-cia.org
What we do

CiA members develop and publish CiA specifications, which covers all Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) layers and applications in different domains. CiA representatives support actively the international standardization of CAN-related topics.
Additionally, CiA members promote jointly CAN technology in different markets. This includes road vehicles, off-road and off-highway vehicles, industrial automation, medical devices, rail vehicles, maritime electronics, building automation, power generation and distribution, and many others.
How we work
Every CiA member has one vote in the annual CiA General Assembly, regardless of the company size or number of employees. The CiA General Assembly elects the Board of Directors: The Technical Director chairs the CiA Technical Committee, the Business Director chairs the CiA Business Committee, and the CiA Managing Director is responsible for the daily business. The CiA Headquarters is managed by the CiA GmbH (100-percent daughter of the nonprofit association).
The CiA General Assembly elects up to five permanent members of the CiA Technical Committee (TC) respectively the CiA Business Committee (BC). The TC approves and coordinates the CiA Interest Groups and the Business Committee compiles the general marketing guidelines and proposes the annual budget to the CiA General Assembly.
Join the community!
Established in March 1992, the CiA nonprofit association fosters the image of CAN technology. CiA members jointly develop specifications for different CAN application fields. The CAN community also finances CiA’s active participation in international standardization and organizes events in order to exchange knowledge and experiences. These opportunities for networking belong to the most important benefits of CiA membership
CiA also offers other services. These include seminars and conferences, publications, CANopen testing, and last but not least the promotion of CAN technology.
For more information please contact CiA office (headquarters(at)can-cia.org).