CiA® 314: CANopen access from IEC 61131-3 programmable devices

This document standardizes access of CANopen services from devices programmable in IEC 61131-3 languages. It defines CANopen-specific function blocks, e.g. to write or to read SDOs (service data objects), to inquire the NMT (network management) state or the CANopen kernel state. Other function blocks are dedicated to transmitting and receiving EMCY information (emergency messages) as well as to creating object dictionary entries. CiA 314 also specifies the CANopen-specific data types used by the function blocks, e.g. the interface-ID and the kernel-ID. The CANopen functions based on the CiA 301 version 4.2.0. The used addressing scheme defines that each CANopen communication stack (kernel) in a system has a unique kernel-ID. A kernel operates on a certain CANopen interface port (interface-ID). A physical CANopen device in the network is addressed via its node-ID. In the system, there exists a mapping table assigning kernels to interfaces. Thus, the kernel-ID implicitly specifies on which physical CANopen interface port the communication is running and the interface-ID is not used for addressing. The benefit of this addressing is that a kernel may later be moved to a different interface port without changing the available application code. The kernel-ID stays the same. This makes the hardware addressing transparent to the user.
In order to implement a standardized access to IEC 61131-3 programmable devices, a standardized access to variables as defined in CiA 302-4 is required. By means of calling function blocks, these variables are read and written. This can be used to exchange data between the IEC 61131 runtime system and the CANopen protocol stack.
The providers of CANopen devices programmable in IEC 61131-3 languages and related Soft-PLCs may implement the specified function blocks to make the application software portable to other platforms. This increases the re-usability of application programs. CANopen devices programmable in IEC 61131-3 languages (e.g. PLCs, HMIs, and PC-based controllers) are used in factory automation, machine control systems, “intelligent” drives as well as displays, and increasingly in mobile machines.
CiA 314 partly substitutes the CiA 405 specification published about 20 years ago. The other parts of CiA 405 have already been moved to the CiA 302-4 (network variable and process image) and the CiA 306-3 (network variable handling and tool integration) documents some years ago. Interested parties are invited to participate in development of the implementation and user guideline for IEC 61131-3 devices.
Title | Details | Published Size |
Status Action |
ScopeThis specification specifies the CANopen application layer. This includes the data types, encoding rules and object dictionary objects as well as the CANopen communication services and protocols. In addition, this specification specifies the CANopen network management services and protocols. This specification specifies the CANopen communication profile, e.g. the physical layer, the pre- defined communication object identifier connection set, and the content of the Emergency, Time- stamp, and Sync communication objects. |
2011-02-21 3 MB | PAS Login |
ScopeThis document defines additional services and functionalities that extend the services and functionalities of the CiA 301: CANopen — application layer and communication profile. These additional services and functionalities are not required for CANopen devices, but may be useful for certain types of networks. This includes network management, configuration and program download, network variables and process image, dynamic SDO management, network redundancy, and multi-level networking. |
2009-02-02 142 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis document defines objects and file formats for the configuration manager and for program download and control. |
2010-04-08 592 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeIn a network programmable CANopen devices can be characterized as a process having input variables and output variables. The set of variables will be arguments of the program and hence will be only known in a final state when the program is written. The arguments are handled as variables located in the object dictionary. The marking of such parameters depends on the programming system (e.g. /IEC61131–3/) and does not fall into the scope of this document. But it can be assumed that there is a set of network variables with the logic attribute EXTERN. Compiling/Linking (or interpreting) a program including EXTERN variables requires relocation information. Within CANopen devices this information is the index (and sub-index) of the variable. Most of the programming systems know the mechanism of a resource definition. This can be used to assign the CANopen attributes (index, sub-index, R/W, assignment of CANopen data type to local data type etc.) to the corresponding symbolic names (variable name in the program). The resource definition may be created with a simple editor by the user or with much more comfort by a configuration tool. Systems with a disk-based file system may exchange the information directly, e.g. via a device configuration file. The names of variables may meet the rules of the underlying programming system. The definition does not fall into the scope of this document. This is the responsibility of the programmer/manufacturer. Defining EXTERN variables requires a rule for distributing the indices. It is called "dynamic index assignment". |
2009-02-02 317 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeCANopen offers a communication mechanism between CANopen devices via SDO. These communication channels are always established between two CANopen devices. For accessing a CANopen device the first time at least one SDO channel per CANopen device is required. This is called the default SDO channel. Only the SDO manager is allowed to use that SDO channel. Simple networks may use SDO channels that are pre-configured between a pair of CANopen devices. This allows direct communication between CANopen devices without the need of a SDO manager. This document defines mechanisms that may be used for plug-n-play networks, without the requirement of a pre-configuration of the network. These mechanisms may be used to establish dynamic SDO connections between CANopen devices. These mechanisms require a specific CANopen device in the network that is able to handle the dynamic request; this CANopen device is called SDO manager. These mechanisms require CANopen devices that are able to perform a dynamic request; these CANopen devices are called SDO Requesting Device (SRD). |
2009-02-02 578 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis specification describes the interface for bi-directional CANopen-to-CANopen communication in multi-level networks. It supports multiple CANopen networks implementing hierarchical and non-hierarchical architectures. |
2009-02-02 907 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis part of the additional application layer function documents specifies the project management parameters used for programmable CANopen devices. |
2024-04-16 477 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis series of specifications defines additional CANopen services and functionalities, especially related to dedicated application requirements. It comprises the following parts: • Part 1: General definitions; • Part 2: Network management; • Part 3: Configuration and program download; • Part 4: Network variables and process image; • Part 5: SDO manager; • Part 6: Network redundancy; • Part 7: Multi-level networking; • Part 8: Project management parameters; • Part 9: Energy saving. This part of the additional application layer function documents specifies the energy saving modes and the related communication parameters for energy saving. |
2014-03-27 293 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThe definition of the network management includes the definition of the network startup behavior as well as definitions that are related to networks that operate without NMT master, networks with one CANopen device capable of the NMT master mode, and networks with more than one CANopen device capable of the NMT master mode (NMT flying master for higher availability). These definitions are intended to be an add-on to the CANopen application layer and communication profile (see /CiA301/). |
2009-02-02 2 MB | DSP Login |
ScopeThe network redundancy is intended to be an add-on to the CANopen application layer and communication profile (see /CiA301/). It is assumed, that a CANopen device with the need of safety-critical and mission-critical communication can use all the features defined by the communication profile. Safety -critical and mission-critical communication is achieved by the underlying structure defined in this specification. The manufacturer and the system integrator shall take care, that the hardware and software of the CANopen device support the safety-critical and mission-critical function and that the CANopen device is operated within its safety-critical and mission-critical limits. |
2009-02-02 512 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis document defines additional services and functionalities that extend the services and functionalities of the CiA 301: CANopen — application layer and communication profile. These additional services and functionalities are not required for CANopen devices, but may be useful for certain types of networks. This includes network management, configuration and program download, network variables and process image, dynamic SDO management, network redundancy, and multi-level networking. |
2009-02-02 142 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThe definition of the network management includes the definition of the network startup behavior as well as definitions that are related to networks that operate without NMT master, networks with one CANopen device capable of the NMT master mode, and networks with more than one CANopen device capable of the NMT master mode (NMT flying master for higher availability). These definitions are intended to be an add-on to the CANopen application layer and communication profile (see /CiA301/). |
2009-02-02 2 MB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis document defines objects and file formats for the configuration manager and for program download and control. |
2010-04-08 592 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeIn a network programmable CANopen devices can be characterized as a process having input variables and output variables. The set of variables will be arguments of the program and hence will be only known in a final state when the program is written. The arguments are handled as variables located in the object dictionary. The marking of such parameters depends on the programming system (e.g. /IEC61131–3/) and does not fall into the scope of this document. But it can be assumed that there is a set of network variables with the logic attribute EXTERN. Compiling/Linking (or interpreting) a program including EXTERN variables requires relocation information. Within CANopen devices this information is the index (and sub-index) of the variable. Most of the programming systems know the mechanism of a resource definition. This can be used to assign the CANopen attributes (index, sub-index, R/W, assignment of CANopen data type to local data type etc.) to the corresponding symbolic names (variable name in the program). The resource definition may be created with a simple editor by the user or with much more comfort by a configuration tool. Systems with a disk-based file system may exchange the information directly, e.g. via a device configuration file. The names of variables may meet the rules of the underlying programming system. The definition does not fall into the scope of this document. This is the responsibility of the programmer/manufacturer. Defining EXTERN variables requires a rule for distributing the indices. It is called "dynamic index assignment". |
2009-02-02 317 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeCANopen offers a communication mechanism between CANopen devices via SDO. These communication channels are always established between two CANopen devices. For accessing a CANopen device the first time at least one SDO channel per CANopen device is required. This is called the default SDO channel. Only the SDO manager is allowed to use that SDO channel. Simple networks may use SDO channels that are pre-configured between a pair of CANopen devices. This allows direct communication between CANopen devices without the need of a SDO manager. This document defines mechanisms that may be used for plug-n-play networks, without the requirement of a pre-configuration of the network. These mechanisms may be used to establish dynamic SDO connections between CANopen devices. These mechanisms require a specific CANopen device in the network that is able to handle the dynamic request; this CANopen device is called SDO manager. These mechanisms require CANopen devices that are able to perform a dynamic request; these CANopen devices are called SDO Requesting Device (SRD). |
2009-02-02 578 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThe network redundancy is intended to be an add-on to the CANopen application layer and communication profile (see /CiA301/). It is assumed, that a CANopen device with the need of safety-critical and mission-critical communication can use all the features defined by the communication profile. Safety -critical and mission-critical communication is achieved by the underlying structure defined in this specification. The manufacturer and the system integrator shall take care, that the hardware and software of the CANopen device support the safety-critical and mission-critical function and that the CANopen device is operated within its safety-critical and mission-critical limits. |
2009-02-02 512 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis specification describes the interface for bi-directional CANopen-to-CANopen communication in multi-level networks. It supports multiple CANopen networks implementing hierarchical and non-hierarchical architectures. |
2009-02-02 907 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis part of the additional application layer function documents specifies the project management parameters used for programmable CANopen devices. |
2024-04-16 477 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis series of specifications defines additional CANopen services and functionalities, especially related to dedicated application requirements. It comprises the following parts: • Part 1: General definitions; • Part 2: Network management; • Part 3: Configuration and program download; • Part 4: Network variables and process image; • Part 5: SDO manager; • Part 6: Network redundancy; • Part 7: Multi-level networking; • Part 8: Project management parameters; • Part 9: Energy saving. This part of the additional application layer function documents specifies the energy saving modes and the related communication parameters for energy saving. |
2014-03-27 293 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThe usage of devices in a communication network requires configuration of the device parameters and communication facilities. CANopen defines a standardised way to access these parameters via the object dictionary. For handling of the complexity of CANopen systems software tools are required. This reduces the complexity of the planning, configuration and analysis process and significantly increases the security of the system. For this purpose software tools need an electronic description of the CANopen devices. To allow the usage of manufacturer independent tools, this document defines a standardised file format – called Electronic Data Sheet. Furthermore some derived file formats are specified. The Device Configuration File describes a concrete incarnation of a device configuration. The Module Data Sheet describes modules of devices with a modular structure |
2005-01-01 359 KB | PAS Login |
ScopeThis set of documents specifies the electronic description of CANopen devices in harmonized file formats such as electronic data sheet and device configuration file, which are used to configure CANopen device parameters as well as for testing and diagnostic pu rposes. This set of documents consists of the three parts: ⎯ Part 1: Electronic data sheet and device configuration file; ⎯ Part 2: Profile database; ⎯ Part 3: Network variable handling and tool integration. This part of the document specifies the electronic dat a sheets as well as the device configuration files. Additionally, it specifies CANopen Safety device entries for EDS and DCF in the Annex A, the relationship between object attributes and EDS (DCF) keynames in the Annex B, and EDS examples in the Annex C. The specification of an XML-based CANopen device description is not in the scope of this set of documents. |
2019-08-01 687 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis set of documents specifies the electronic description of CANopen devices in standardized file formats. These electronic descriptions are used to configure CANopen device parameters or for testing and diagnostic purposes. This set of documents consists of the three parts: ⎯ Part 1: Electronic Data Sheet and Device Configuration File; ⎯ Part 2: Profile database; ⎯ Part 3: Network variable handling and tool integration. This part specifies the CANopen profile database format, which is used by tools (e.g. EDS file checker). The specification of an XML-based CANopen device description is not in the scope of this set of documents. |
2019-08-01 759 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis set of documents specifies the electronic description of CANopen devices in standardized file formats. These electronic descriptions are used to configure CANopen device parameters or for testing and diagnostic purposes. This set of documents consists of the three parts: ⎯ Part 1: Electronic data sheet and device configuration file; ⎯ Part 2: Profile database; ⎯ Part 3: Network variable handling and tool integration. This part specifies mechanisms with regard to the handling of network variables, which are specified in CiA 302-4. In addition recommendations for tool integration are provided. NOTE This document contains parts of the withdrawn document CiA 405. |
2019-08-01 431 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis set of documents specifies the electronic description of CANopen devices in harmonized file formats such as electronic data sheet and device configuration file, which are used to configure CANopen device parameters as well as for testing and diagnostic pu rposes. This set of documents consists of the three parts: ⎯ Part 1: Electronic data sheet and device configuration file; ⎯ Part 2: Profile database; ⎯ Part 3: Network variable handling and tool integration. This part of the document specifies the electronic dat a sheets as well as the device configuration files. Additionally, it specifies CANopen Safety device entries for EDS and DCF in the Annex A, the relationship between object attributes and EDS (DCF) keynames in the Annex B, and EDS examples in the Annex C. The specification of an XML-based CANopen device description is not in the scope of this set of documents. |
2019-08-01 687 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis set of documents specifies the electronic description of CANopen devices in standardized file formats. These electronic descriptions are used to configure CANopen device parameters or for testing and diagnostic purposes. This set of documents consists of the three parts: ⎯ Part 1: Electronic Data Sheet and Device Configuration File; ⎯ Part 2: Profile database; ⎯ Part 3: Network variable handling and tool integration. This part specifies the CANopen profile database format, which is used by tools (e.g. EDS file checker). The specification of an XML-based CANopen device description is not in the scope of this set of documents. |
2019-08-01 759 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis set of documents specifies the electronic description of CANopen devices in standardized file formats. These electronic descriptions are used to configure CANopen device parameters or for testing and diagnostic purposes. This set of documents consists of the three parts: ⎯ Part 1: Electronic data sheet and device configuration file; ⎯ Part 2: Profile database; ⎯ Part 3: Network variable handling and tool integration. This part specifies mechanisms with regard to the handling of network variables, which are specified in CiA 302-4. In addition recommendations for tool integration are provided. NOTE This document contains parts of the withdrawn document CiA 405. |
2019-08-01 431 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis document specifies function blocks to produce or consume CANopen communication services for devices programmable in IEC 61131-3 languages and to provide local CANopen functions. This specification is suitable for programmable logic controllers (PLCs), PC-based controllers running a PLC-software, and other programmable devices compliant to IEC 61131. NOTE This specification substitutes the CiA 405 document those content has been moved to different documents (CiA 302-4 and CiA 306-3). |
2015-10-09 342 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis document represents the standardised CANopen Interface and Device Profile for IEC 61131-3 programmable devices like PLCs. All the above devices use communication techniques which conform to those described in the CiA Draft Standard DS-301 (Application Layer and Communication Profile) and Draft Standard Proposal DSP-302. These documents should be consulted in parallel to this profile. In general, generating an application implements the handling of up to five interfaces. |
2005-01-01 75 KB | withdrawn Login |