CiA® 417 series: Profile for lift control systems

The application profile for lift control systems specifies communication interfaces for lift units and lift control units. This includes call, car drive, and car door controllers as well as input panel, output panel, car drive, car position, load measuring, car door, light barrier, remote data transmission, and power-measuring units. All necessary PDOs for a single-shaft lift control system are specified; some of them are distributed in broadcast, others peer-to-peer. For multi-shaft lift control systems, the communication between the controllers is manufacturer-specific. Nevertheless, each device may implement up to eight instances of the application profile, so that it can be used in up to eight (independent) lift control systems.

The virtual device concept allows the design of PDO-transparent bridges. The virtual device definitions for the car drive unit (motion controller) and car position unit (encoder) follow the generic device profiles for motion controllers and encoders. However, in lift control applications different object dictionary entries are used.

The CiA 417 specification comprises several parts:

  • Part 1 describes general definitions (including additional error codes)
  • Part 2 specifies virtual devices
  • Part 3 specifies PDOs
  • Part 4 specifies application objects (process data and configuration parameters)

As far as possible, the virtual device definitions are implementation-independent. CiA 417 enables system designers to select compliant devices from different suppliers and to integrate them into networks without huge efforts. For example, the car position unit can be implemented in traditional rotary encoders as well as sensors using other technologies to measure the position, such as ultrasound or magnetic tape.

Usage of standardized interfaces allows the lift operator an open maintanance of the lift system. Software tools for implementation and diagnosis are available from different providers.

Since CiA 417 version 2.1.0 the boot-up and program download procedure was introduced.

CiA 814-1 provides implementation hints for CiA 417 bootloader.


Title Details
CiA 814-1 version 1.0.1 CiA 417 implementation and user guidelines - Part 1: Bootloader

This document provides implementation hints for CiA 417’s bootloader (CiA 417 version 2.2.0 and higher).

2021-03-23 379 KB TR Login
CiA 417-1 version 2.0.0 CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 1: General definitions

This set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CANopen Lift control network system. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the application functionality of several functional elements (virtual devices). This application profile specification consists of several parts: • Part 1 provides general definitions; • Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices; • Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs; • Part 4 specifies the application objects. Besides some general definitions such as general virtual device descriptions, this part specifies the CAN physical layer as well as the error handling. Additionally some network architecture examples are given.

2011-02-02 417 KB PAS Login
CiA 417-1 version 2.3.0 CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 1: General definitions

This set of CANopen application profile specifications specifies the CANopen Lift control network. It consists of several parts: ⎯ Part 1 provides general definitions; ⎯ Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices; ⎯ Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs; ⎯ Part 4 specifies the application objects. This part specifies the general lift control network architecture and provides description and block diagrams for single and multi-shaft CANopen lift control network structures. It provides description of lift component functions in form of virtual devices and their functions in the lift control network. It specifies CANopen physical layer and node-ID assignment in single or multi-shaft control network. Furthermore, it specifies bootloader mode handling for firmware upload and application programs. Additionally, it specifies also network wide error handling, power management handling, power consumption measurements, and character encoding for VT-52 terminals.

2018-12-10 423 KB DSP Login
CiA 417-2 version 2.0.0 CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 2: Virtual device definitions

This set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CANopen Lift control network system. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the application functionality of several functional elements (virtual devices). This application profile specification consists of several parts: • Part 1 provides general definitions; • Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices; • Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs; • Part 4 specifies the application objects. This part specifies for a single lift application (lift 1) the general communication parameter. It specifies also for each virtual device the supported application objects including the category, access, and default value attributes. It describes the supported Process Data Objects (PDO). In addition, the PDOs for the other lift application 2 to 8 are assigned correspondingly.

2011-02-02 470 KB PAS Login
CiA 417-2 version 2.3.0 CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 2: Virtual device definitions

This set of CANopen application profile specifications specifies the CANopen Lift control network. It consists of several parts: ⎯ Part 1 provides general definitions; ⎯ Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices; ⎯ Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs; ⎯ Part 4 specifies the application objects. This part specifies the general communication parameters, list of application parameters, including the category, access, and default value attributes, assigned to each virtual device in a single lift application as well as list of PDOs assigned to each virtual device in a lift application 1 to 8.

2018-12-10 1 MB DSP Login
CiA 417-3-1 version 2.0.0 CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 3-1: Pre-defined PDOs for lift application 1

This set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CANopen Lift control network system. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the application functionality of several functional elements (virtual devices). This application profile specification consists of several parts: • Part 1 provides general definitions; • Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices; • Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs; • Part 4 specifies the application objects. This part of the application profile specifies pre-definitions for communication objects. This subpart specifies in detail the communication and mapping behavior of the PDOs for the lift 1 application.

2011-02-02 1 MB PAS Login
CiA 417-3-1 version 2.2.0 CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 3-1: Pre-defined PDOs for lift application 1

This set of CANopen application profile specifications specifies the CANopen Lift control network. It consists of several parts: - Part 1 provides general definitions; - Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices 3⁄4; - Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs; - Part 4 specifies the application objects. This part of the application profile specifies in detail the communication and mapping behavior of the PDOs for the lift 1 application. Additionally, the COB-ID assignment is specified for PDOs for the lift application 1 to 8.

2018-02-02 1 MB DSP Login
CiA 417-4 version 2.0.0 CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 4: Detailed application data objects

This set of CANopen application profile specifications describes the CANopen Lift control network system. It specifies the CANopen communication interfaces and the applicationfunctionality of several functional elements (virtual devices). This application profile specification consists of several parts: • Part 1 provides general definitions; • Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices • Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs; • Part 4 specifies the application objects. This part specifies in detail the used process data, configuration parameter, and diagnostic information represented in the object dictionary for the lift 1 application.

2011-02-02 2 MB PAS Login
CiA 417-4 version 2.3.0 CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Part 4: Detailed application data objects

This set of CANopen application profile specifications specifies the CANopen Lift control network. It consists of several parts: ⎯ Part 1 provides general definitions; ⎯ Part 2 specifies the functionality of the virtual devices; ⎯ Part 3 specifies the pre-defined PDOs; ⎯ Part 4 specifies the application objects. This part specifies in detail the used process data, configuration parameters, and diagnostic information represented in the object dictionary for the lift 1 application.

2018-11-22 4 MB DSP Login
CiA 417-2 version 2.3.4 CANopen application profile for lift control systems – Part 2: Virtual device definitions

2022-02-25 1 MB WD Login
CiA 417-3-1 version 2.2.4 CANopen application profile for lift control systems – Part 3-1: Pre-defined PDOs for lift application 1

2022-02-25 2 MB WD Login
CiA 417-4 version 2.3.5 CANopen application profile for lift control systems, Part 4: Detailed application object specification

2023-06-07 4 MB WD Login
CiA 417-1 version 2.3.4 CANopen application profile for lift control systems – Part 1: General definitions

2022-02-25 372 KB WD Login