No. 12 - August 23, 2024
A word from the CiA Managing Director

The CAN Community News (CCN) is an email service by the nonprofit CiA association distributed worldwide to the CAN community. Currently, we have some 20000 subscribers receiving it three-weekly. In order to address the whole CAN community, we need your support. Please forward, this CCN issue to colleagues, customers, and other business partners, who might be interested in CAN technology.
Mid of August, CiA counted 750 members. Two thirds of the members are medium-sized and small companies with less than 100 employees. The largest community is in German-speaking countries (close to 50 percent of the members). Most of the members are device manufacturers (about 62 %). Some 440 members support the CANopen higher-layer protocol. A more detailed member statistics is available for members on the CiA website (see "Other resources").
CiA office has received some requests for application-related specifications. This includes demands regarding CAN FD usage in construction machines as well as CANopen profiles for modular service robots, greenhouse automation, dental 3D-printers, dentist chairs, road and service vehicles, fire-fighting vehicles, and human-body implantable devices for controlling robotic prosthetics. The general rule is that three parties can start a new CiA technical group to develop appropriate documents (specifications and technical reports). If you are interested in one of the above-mentioned topics or any other application, you may indicate this to CiA office. Normally, CiA organizes a workshop open also for non-members to kick-off a new technical group.
CiA is already planning in cooperation with others an online workshop on fire-fighting trucks, in October. It will introduce the updated DIN 14700 standard and the desired enhancements. Details will be available beginning of September. CiA also supports an ISO workshop regarding truck/trailer communication scheduled on September 16. This workshop will take place in Berlin, addressing OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) and their suppliers. For more information, you can visit the CiA website.

CiA 601-2 CAN FD controller interface: Call for comments
In September 2024, CiA starts the systematic review of the CiA 601-2. The document specifies the interface between the protocol controller implementing the CAN FD data link layer protocol and the host controller including necessary configuration registers. Such a harmonized interface reduces the effort for adapting the low-level driver software to different implementations. CiA members are asked to submit their comments and contributions by October 14, 2024 to secretary(at)can-cia.org.
CiA 611-1 version 2.0.0 released
A new version of the CiA 611-1 (CAN XL higher-layer functions, Part 1: Service data unit types) has been published CiA-internally. It specifies the usage of the SDT (service data unit type) field in CAN XL data frames. The SDT indicates, which higher-layer protocol is used or which other data link layer frame is mapped into the CAN XL data field (e.g., Ethernet, CAN CC, or CAN FD).
Update of SAE J1939/13
SAE international has released a new version of the J1939/13 document (off-board diagnostic connector). The specified diagnostic connectors support connection to the twisted shielded-pair media (refer to SAE J1939-11), the unshielded twisted-pair (refer to SAE J1939-15), the twisted pair (refer to SAE J1939-14), and the twisted-unshielded quad media (refer to ISO 11783-2).
CiA 406 and CiA 410 series updated
The encoder CiA 406 and inclinometer CiA 410 profile specification series have been revised. The document series provide general functional specifications as well as process and configuration parameter specifications (Part B). Part C specifies the mapping to CANopen CC (classic) and Part F specifies the mapping to CANopen FD. Part J specifies the parameter mapping to SAE J1939-21/71; this includes also PG (parameter group) specifications for encoders respectively inclinometers.
CiA webinar: Functional safety
On September 19 (start 15:00, UTC+2), CiA has scheduled a one-hour webinar about the CANopen safety protocol specification (EN 50325-5). The document is currently updated to support requirements of the latest version of the European directive for machine safety. The webinar focuses on the specification update and the identified new safety requirements.
Participation in the webinar is free of charge. Registration is obligatory and is possible via an email to events(at)can-cia.org.
CAN Newsletter magazine
In the first half of this year, about 37 000 CAN Newsletter magazine copies were downloaded from the CiA website. Additionally, visitors downloaded more than 60 000 copies of single articles. The September issue is ready to be distributed in a few days. In the June issue, there is an article by Dr. Chris Quigley (Warwick Control Technologies) providing details on NMEA 2000 conformance testing and product certification. NMEA 2000 is a J1939-based application profile for maritime electronics such as navigation equipment. It is used in vessels and even in sophisticated pleasure boats.
CiA activities
- CiA education and information events
- CiA groups
New CiA members since the last CCN
- Exypnos - Creative Solutions (IL)
- Intelligence Technology of Cec (CN)
- nehemis (FR)
- PEM, Power Engineering & Manufacturing (US)
- Thinky Labs (US)
CiA has 758 members (August 23, 2024)
Editors: Olga Fischer, Holger Zeltwanger (responsible according to the press law)
Advertising: Birgit Ruedel (responsible according to the press law)
CAN in Automation (CiA) e. V.
Kontumazgarten 3
90429 Nuremberg (Germany)
Tel. +49-911-928819-0
AG Nuremberg VR 200497
CAN Community News sign up
This 3-weekly free-of-charge email service provides CAN-related news to the entire CAN community. This includes reports about CiA activities, released CiA documents, available CiA publications, and other topics.
If you would like to subscribe to the CAN Community News please send an e-mail to mail(at)can-cia.org.