No. 9 - June 21, 2024
A word from the CiA Managing Director

The ISO Technical Committee (TC) 299 Working Group (WG) 6 is going to change its name to “Modularity of robots” indicating that the scope does not cover only service robots. The group develops the ISO 22166 series of documents. This standard series should help to develop hardware and software modules, which are compatible and interoperable. The first released standards of this document series are somehow academic. However, the next level of documents will specify robot modules in more technical detail. One of the standardized items will be the communication between robot modules. CANopen CC is a candidate as well as other communication technologies. I will participate in the WG and contribute to the embedded communication specifications for different kinds of robot modules. Such hardware devices could be simple modules such as actuators or sensors as well as composed modules such as complete motion subsystems or sensor-fusion subsystems for navigation, etc.
Companies developing and producing (hardware and software) modules for robots including AGVs (automated-guided vehicles) and AMRs (autonomous mobile robots) are invited to participate directly in the ISO TC299 WG6 or to do this remotely by CiA. If there are more than three CiA members interested to support this standardization project (ISO 22166 series), CiA could establish a dedicated Special Interest Group (SIG). This SIG could comment the ISO documents and I would submit them as well as additional feature requests to the ISO working group.
In the moment, the ISO working group is mainly participated by experts from China, Japan, and Korea as well as United Kingdom. The scope of the ISO committee excludes toy robots and combat robots. It includes any kind of industrial, healthcare, and service robots. Robotic exoskeletons are covered, too. These are mechanical systems worn by a human being for certain purposes. An exoskeleton is generally considered to be a hard mechanical frame with joints that allow movement of the human operator.
The CiA office is also ready to organize a workshop on modularity of robots, in order to provide some more detailed information about the ISO 22166 series as well as the option to connect robot modules by means of CAN-based communication systems, especially CANopen CC (classic) and CANopen FD. If you desire such a workshop or you are interested in participating in a dedicated SIG, please send an email to CiA office.

CAN Newsletter magazine
In the June issue the editors kindly ask the readers to provide feedback regarding of the integration of the CAN Newsletter Online. Beginning of this year, CiA has stopped to publish the CAN Newsletter Online. The CAN Newsletter magazine contains now summaries of product innovations and reports of product launches. The editors are wondering, which topic is missing and whether the mix of technical in-depth articles, success stories, and product news has an appropriate balance. Please send your comments to the CiA’s editor desk.
Inaugural meeting: IG06 SIG02 HLP cybersecurity
On July 24 (14:00 to 16:00, UTC+2), CiA will host an inaugural e-meeting of the SIG (special interest group) higher-layer protocol (HLP) cybersecurity. The aim of the group is the specification of security add-on functionality for OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) layers above the data link layer i.e. for OSI layers 3 (network layer) to 7 (application layer). CiA is calling for cybersecurity experts to work within this group. Interested parties should contact secretary(at)can-cia.org.
ISO 11898-1:2024 released
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) has published a new version of ISO 11898-1 (Road vehicles – Controller area network – Part 1: Data link layer and physical coding sublayer). This international standard specifies three protocol generations: CAN CC (classic), CAN FD (flexible data rate), CAN XL (extended data-field length). Additionally, an annex standardizes the CAN FD light, a commander/responder network approach intended for simple actuator and sensor networking.
Initial CiA 302-8 release
The CiA 302 series specifies the CANopen additional application layer functions. The initial version 1.0.0 of the CiA 302-8 defines the project management parameters used for programmable CANopen devices. The draft standard proposal (DSP) is available for CiA members.
CiA 110 released as DSP
The CiA 110 document has been released as a draft standard proposal (DSP) version 1.1.0. It specifies the requirements and the test methods of mechanical and electrical parameters of common mode chokes to be used in CAN CC (classic) and CAN FD networks.
18th iCC proceedings
The proceedings of the 18th international CAN Conference (iCC) are available as PDF for all conference participants free of charge. This proceedings version contains also the paper by Dr. Arthur Mutter (Robert Bosch) "CAN XL system design – about clock tolerances and margins for physical-layer effects". The latter was not included in the printed proceedings version distributed at the iCC. At a later date, the proceedings will also be made available to a wider audience.
To receive a personalized PDF version, please send an e-mail to conferences(at)can-cia.org.
New video on Youtube
- CAN XL status and future - 2024-06-06
CiA activities
- CiA education and information events
- CiA groups
New CiA members since the last CCN
- Nagoya Institute of Technology (JP)
- Linearity (JP)
- Zimmer (DE)
- Golden (GR)
CiA has 742 members (June 21, 2024)
CiA Product Guides
Renewed entries:
- CANopen: Pepperl+Fuchs
Editors: Olga Fischer, Holger Zeltwanger (responsible according to the press law)
Advertising: Birgit Ruedel (responsible according to the press law)
CAN in Automation (CiA) e. V.
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90429 Nuremberg (Germany)
Tel. +49-911-928819-0
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