CAN Info Mail
This monthly email is for all CAN fellows.
August 2023
A word from the CiA Managing Director

There are different demands, how to configure the CANopen node-ID and to set the bit-timing. Of course, there could be default assignments. But normally, the network designer needs to change them according to the system requirements. CANopen device supplier try to implement different possibilities, in order to serve all demands. This means, they implement DIP switches, LSS (layer setting services) as specified in CiA 305 respectively in CiA 1305 as well as additional configuration links including USB, EIA-232, or a local HMI (human machine interface). There is also a node-claiming procedure specified. Some CANopen devices support an automatic bit-rate detection.
If a CANopen device provides different options to configure the node-ID and to set the bit-timing, these need to be described properly in the handbook, for example. It is possible that these options have different priorities: DIP switches may overwrite the assignments made by the local HMI or vice versa. The rules can be confusing and challenging. CiA does not test them during the conformance test. But we provide hints and kinks to minimize the handling problems.
Some suppliers also provide the option to configure node-ID and bit-timing by means of SDO (classic CANopen) or USDO (CANopen FD). CiA does not recommend to implement this option. In case of a reset command, these parameters would contain the default values, what could lead to inconsistent bit-timing settings in the connected devices. In minimum, the devices should provide a warning, before the reset is performed. Some protection by means of passwords or other measures is highly recommended.
Keep it simple and stupid: Do not challenge your customers. Do not provide all possibilities and options. Less is sometimes more. I remember a case, that a user changed the bit-rate by means of SDO services in one device and tried to do the same in another device. But this was not more possible, because the bit rates did not match anymore. All CAN communication was corrupted by means of error frames – until the host controller transmitting the SDO messages went bus-off. To fix the problem, all devices needed to be disconnected and re-integrated after configuring all devices properly to the desired bit rate. I suggest to use the LSS services instead.
The vendor-ID parameter is a mandatory function of CANopen and CANopen FD. If you have questions regarding this topic, please do not hesitate, to contact CiA office.

Correction: 1 Mbit/s in the arbitration phase is possible
In the last CIM, it was originally stated that SIC transceivers should not be used for arbitration bit rates of higher than 667 kbit/s. This is not correct! If you are using a dedicated subset of CAN identifiers, you can still run up to 1 Mbit/s in the arbitration phase. NXP has presented a solution for networks using 11-bit CAN-IDs.
Standardized in ISO 11898-1/-2: CiA withdraws documents
The ISO 11898-1 standard specifying the CAN data link layer (DLL) protocols and the physical coding sublayer (PCS) has been updated and integrates the CiA 610-1 (CAN XL) and the CiA 604-1 (CAN FD Light) specifications. The ISO document covering classical CAN, CAN FD, and CAN XL is now in DIS (draft international standard) ballot. The ISO 11898-2 standard (high-speed physical medium attachment sublayer) is ready for FDIS (final draft international standard). The updated ISO document includes the CiA 601-4 (CAN SIC) and the CiA 610-3 (CAN SIC XL) specifications.
Therefore, mentioned specifications CiA 601-4, CiA 604-1, CiA 610-1, and CiA 610-3 have been withdrawn from the CiA website. They are also no longer part of the CiA 6xx series subscription for non-members.
CAN connector pin-assignment: CiA 106 updated
The updated CiA 106 TR (technical report) version 1.1.0. recommends pin-assignment for CAN connectors. The main changes include updated normative references as well as corrected names of the 5-pin 7/8” connector, 5-pin M12 connector, and 5-pin M8 connector. Four connectors for aerospace applications have been added as well.
Please inform CiA, if you know further CAN connectors not included in CiA 106.
CANopen Lift poster
CiA going to distribute a poster showing the principles of CANopen Lift applications (CiA 417) on the Interlift tradeshow in Augsburg (Germany). It takes place from October 17 to 20, 2023.
For CiA member companies, it is possible to place an advertisement on the poster. Interested parties should contact marketing(at) by August 07, 2023.
Chinese CiA technology day: Speakers added
During the web-based event on September 14, 2023 speakers from CiA discuss CAN FD, CAN FD Light, and CANopen FD benefits. Status of CAN XL lower layers and CAN XL backbone networks will be presented as well. Two further presentations from CiA member companies inform about “Functional safety in CAN IP cores” (Digital Core Design, Poland) and “CAN and CAN FD conversion” (Hongke, China).
June issue of the CAN Newsletter magazine is released
Focusing on CAN in agriculture, the second issue contains articles about an open-source CANopen stack, an apple-harvesting robot, and micro-motors as well as linear actuators for agricultural solutions. CAN XL plugfest in the USA, CANopen Lift maintenance, virtual CAN FD network, and a J1939-connectable dynamic inclinometer are the further topics. Articles about the CAN Injection attack and the Address Claim Hunter cyberattack in J1939 networks discuss the cybersecurity of CAN. Brief CAN standardization news are part of the issue as well.
The articles can be downloaded individually or you can download the entire magazine.
CAN Newsletter Online
CAN XL IP core: With pre-implemented security function
Arasan Chip Systems has announced its CAN-XL IP core with pre-implemented CANsec accelerator IP for secure transactions on the CAN XL networks.
- CANopen libraries: Available as Open-CMSIS-Pack
- Embedded computers: Dedicated for IoT and edge applications
- CAN (FD) data logger: With 3G/4G connectivity and GPS
- Power distribution boxes: Supporting 48-V architectures
- Embedded systems: With two CAN (FD) interfaces
CAN- and CANopen-related educational training
Seminar online
- 2023-10-11: CAN for newcomers 1
- 2023-10-12: CANopen for newcomers 1
Seminar onsite
- 2023-10-24: CAN und CANopen for newcomers (Lomazzo, IT) 1
Technology day online
- 2023-09-14: Chinese technology day 1
Technology days onsite
- 2023-10-25: CiA technology day (Lomazzo, IT) 1
- 2023-11-21: CiA technology day (Kaohsiung, TW) 1
1 in English language
2 in German language
New CiA members since the last CAN Info Mail (CIM)
- Delta Line (CH)
- Dynamic Drives Giessen (DE)
- Itoh Denki (JP)
- Kemper (DE)
- National Aperture (US)
- Onplick (PL)
- Shanghai Analogy Semiconductor Technology (CN)
CiA has 744 members (August 01, 2023)