No. 7 - May 10, 2024
A word from the CiA Managing Director

The countdown is running: On Tuesday next week, the 18th international CAN Conference (iCC) starts in Baden-Baden, Germany. There is not much time left to register for this unique event. As in the legacy iCCs, the speakers provide technical in-depth presentations on latest CAN technology developments, especially regarding the CAN XL ecosystem, cybersecurity solutions for CAN-based networks, and functional-safety approaches.
One day after the iCC, CiA has scheduled a CAN XL plugfest. About 50 experts will attend this interoperability test session. They will test their CAN XL protocol controllers as well as CAN SIC XL transceivers. For the first time, DCD-Semi and Peak will connect their IP core implementations to those by Bosch, Fraunhofer/Cast, Kvaser, and Vector. NXP and ST Microelectronics will connect micro-controllers with on-chip CAN XL protocol controllers to the network. Plugfests are an important step to proof the interoperability of protocol controllers and transceivers.
The recently published ISO 11898-2:2024 standard specifies all kinds of CAN high-speed transceivers, including CAN FD, CAN SIC, and CAN SIC XL transceivers. Unfortunately, not all final comments have been considered. Therefore, CiA provides the CiA 140 technical report (ISO 11898-2:2024 corrigendum proposal). The 22-page document contains the missing corrections, including updated tables and figures. It is available on request from the CiA office. The provided free-of-charge document is personalized by means of a watermark.

CiA 401 series under review
One year after publication, CiA calls for comments and new function requests related to the CiA 401 document series. Part B specifies the basic I/O functionality, Part C and F the mapping to CANopen CC resp. CANopen FD. Deadline for submissions is June 15.
Call for experts: CiA 454 for energy management

Energy management is an essential task of many embedded systems. For CANopen-based systems, CiA provides the CiA 454 CANopen application profile for energy management systems. Although the CANopen application profile has been written with special regard to pedelec applications, it is also applicable to other application fields. Unfortunately, the generic applicability is not that apparent for CANopen newcomers. Thus, the CiA SIG (special interest group) Energy management systems is calling for experts interested in preparing a generic Technical Report explaining how to use CiA 454 in any application field.
If you are faced with energy-management tasks and would like to benefit from a generic approach reusable in any of your projects, please feel free to contact CiA office and to register for the next e-meeting (June 04, 10:00 to 12:00, UTC+2) at secretary(at)can-cia.org.
ISO 15765-2:2024 released
ISO has released a new edition of the Road vehicles – Diagnostic communication over Controller Area Network (DoCAN) – Part 2: Transport protocol and network layer services standard. The main changes are the restructuring of the document to achieve compatibility with the OSI model; the introduction of the T_Data abstract service primitive interface to achieve compatibility with ISO 14229-2; and clarifications as well as editorial corrections.
DIN 4630 goes ISO
DIN, the German standardization body, has submitted its DIN 4630:2023 standard (Road vehicles – Data parameter specification for body application units in commercial vehicles) to ISO/TC 22 for international standardization. Currently, the other national standardization bodies with voting rights decide to accept the German proposal. If you are interested that DIN 4630 becomes an ISO standard, please contact the respective mirror committee in your country. CiA office may assist you.
The DIN 4630 standard specifies different body application units (e.g. tail-lifts, truck-mounted cranes) as well as telematics units, fleet-management units, and in-vehicle gateway units. Such body builder networks can be applied to commercial trucks as well as trailers.
Truck-to-truck cyber worm
Researchers of the Colorado State University have evaluated the risk to attack the CAN-connectable Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) required by a U.S law. They demonstrate that these devices can be wirelessly controlled to send arbitrary Controller Area Network (CAN) frames, enabling unauthorized control over vehicle systems. The second vulnerability demonstrates that malicious firmware can be uploaded to these ELDs, allowing attackers to manipulate data and vehicle operations arbitrarily. The final vulnerability, and perhaps the most concerning, is the potential for a self-propagating truck-to-truck worm, which takes advantage of the inherent networked nature of these devices. Such an attack could lead to widespread disruptions in commercial fleets, with severe safety and operational implications. The paper can be downloaded free of charge.
CiA webinar: CAN XL status and future
In a webinar on June 06 (start 16:00, UTC+2), Oskar Kaplun from CiA informs the attendees about the current status of CAN XL specifications, the available CAN XL ecosystem, and the future of CAN-XL-related developments.
Participation in the 45-minute webinar is free of charge. Registration is obligatory and is possible via an email to events(at)can-cia.org.
Online seminars on CAN and CANopen
On June 18 and 19 (13:00 to 17:00, UTC+2), CiA organizes two web-based seminars in English language. Introduction into physical layer, data link layer, and higher-layer protocols for CAN CC (classic) and CAN FD as well as the future of CAN are presented on day 1. The lower layers, device architecture, protocols, and profiles for CANopen CC (classic) and CANopen FD are the topics on the day 2. This seminar gives also an insight into the CANopen future.
The agenda and registration possibility are available online (see related link). It is also possible to register via email to events(at)can-cia.org.
MG (marketing group) CAN XL
The CiA MG CAN XL is inviting the members of CAN in Automation to join the marketing group. This invitation is especially related to the companies, which produce any CAN-XL-related products. The next MG meeting is scheduled on June 14, 2024 (13:00 to 15:00, UTC+2). Interested parties should contact secretary(at)can-cia.org.
CAN Newsletter magazine
Since the March 2024 issue the CAN Newsletter magazine integrates the CAN Newsletter Online. This means, there are product-oriented articles summarizing CAN-related trends on tradeshows as well as dedicated markets or product classes. The editorial team would like to know, which topics the readers are mostly interested in. If you have specific demands, please indicate them by email.
CiA activities
- CiA education and information events
- Upcoming meetings (only for members)
New CiA members since the last CCN
- CanBusHack (US)
- IMET - Radio Remote Control (IT)
- Sick (DE)
CiA has 733 members (May 10, 2024)
CiA Product Guides
Renewed entries:
- CANopen: b-plus, Embedded Systems Academy, emotas embedded communication, Hein Lanz, Maxon Motor, MRS-Electronic, Nanotec Electronic, Pixsys, TR-Electronic, TSM Sensors, Wika
Editors: Olga Fischer, Holger Zeltwanger (responsible according to the press law)
Advertising: Birgit Ruedel (responsible according to the press law)
CAN in Automation (CiA) e. V.
Kontumazgarten 3
90429 Nuremberg (Germany)
Tel. +49-911-928819-0
AG Nuremberg VR 200497
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