CAN Info Mail
This monthly email is for all CAN fellows.
June 2023
A word from the CiA Managing Director

Road- and winter-service vehicles are equipped with spreader/sprayer, snow plough/blower, brass/branch cutter, sweeper, post cleaning machine, or boat plant cutter. They also provide data such as weight, time, geographic position, weather as well as road condition. For this kind of vehicles, the add-on equipment needs to communicate with the CAN-based in-vehicle networks (IVN). This could be performed by a road- and winter-service host controller. The mentioned body application equipment is connected to the host controller. The CEN European standardization body is developing the prEN 15430 series (Winter and road service area maintenance equipment – Data acquisition and transmission). Part 1 of this standard series specifies the process data elements and a mapping to the EIA-232 serial interface.
Currently, there is no mapping to J1939 or CANopen. CiA is going to fill this gap. Therefore, CiA is calling for experts interested in an application profile specification for road- and winter-service equipment. Part B of this specification will reference the European standard and add missing configuration and diagnostic data elements. Part J will specify the mapping to J1939 Parameter Groups (PG) and Part C will specify the mapping to classic CANopen (CiA 301) including pre-defined PDOs (process data objects).
It is intended to submit the CiA profile to CEN, when the CiA documents are mature. Interested parties should contact CiA office for further information. It is not yet decided, if a new SIG (Special Interest Group) needs to be established or the SIG municipal vehicles should be charged with this CiA profile specification. I recommend to charge the SIG municipal vehicles with this task. The included weighing equipment should reference the CiA 459 series or the CiA 461 series.
The interface to the IVN is specified generally in DIN 4630. This relates to one (virtual) CAN interface of the host controller. Of course, this interface also may provide data to the telematic gateway unit. The other (virtual) CAN interface of the road- and winter-service host controller communicating with the add-on equipment will be specified in the new CiA application profile.

Call for papers: 18th international CAN Conference
On May 14 and 15, 2024, CAN in Automation organizes the next international CAN Conference (iCC) in Baden-Baden (Germany). Experts from all over the world will discuss the latest CAN developments and show novelties in a tabletop exhibition.
Parties interested in submitting a paper, in exhibiting, or in sponsoring the event should contact the CiA office.
CiA 103 version 1.1.0 released as Draft Specification (DS)
The updated CiA 103 document specifies an intrinsically-safe CAN device interface. It provides an approach to the design of equipment going into hazardous areas and gives a baseline for calculations.
Product panels on CiA stands in 2023
Tradeshows offer a good opportunity to gain business partners and attract potential customers. CAN in Automation is present with a stand on the Interlift (hall 3-3111) and SPS (hall 5-410) tradeshows. Members are welcome to exhibit their CAN(open) products on the panel walls from CAN in Automation. If you are interested, please contact exhibition(at)
June issue of the CAN Newsletter magazine is released
The second issue of the CAN Newsletter magazine 2023 has been published. Suitable to the main topic, it includes a series of articles related to CAN use in agriculture. These are ‘Throw the CANfetti: Open-source CANopen stack’ by Scythe Robotics, ‘Autonomous robot for harvesting apples’ from Siko, ‘Smart farming to feed the world’ by Faulhaber, and ‘Linear actuators for agriculture machinery’ from Timotion. The ‘Dynamic inclinometer with angular stability’ by Pepperl+Fuchs is also supporting J1939 often used as a CAN-based higher-layer protocol in agriculture.
The articles about ‘CAN XL plugfest in April’, ‘Predictive maintenance in CANopen Lift’, and ‘Virtual CAN FD network’ from Kvaser give an insight into current engineering issues. CAN cybersecurity attacks and recommended protection methods are described in ‘The CAN Injection attack’ by Canis Automotive Labs and ‘J1939-based networks vulnerability to Address Claim Hunter cyberattack’ by Warwick Control. Additionally, the ‘Standards and specifications’ section briefly informs about ongoing international standardization activities.
The articles can be downloaded individually or you can download the entire magazine.
CAN Newsletter Online
Open source: J1939-84 tool implementation updated
The Equipment-and-Tool-Institute has released a new version of its J1939-84 tool implementation.
- CiA 301 and CiA 401: Responder unit for centralized control systems
- Level transmitters: For general-purpose and sanitary applications
- Automated guided vehicle: Transportation in medical applications
- J1939-to-USB gateway: For network analyzing, monitoring, and recording
- Sales partner: Distribution of CAN products in Southeast Asia
New video on Youtube
- CAN and cybersecurity webinar - from 2023-05-16
New CiA members since the last CAN Info Mail (CIM)
- agtatec (CH)
- Computec (IT)
- Digital Advanced Control (GB)
- Integrated Detector Electronics (NO)
CiA has 734 members (May 31, 2023)