No. 17 - December 6, 2024
A word from the CiA Managing Director

Beginning of this year, CiA has integrated the CAN Newsletter Online into the CAN Newsletter magazine. The four issues in 2024 provided technical in-depth articles, application stories as well as product- and company-related news and reports. We hope that the mixture of profound technical knowledge, news, and background information meets your desire and helps you in your daily business. To improve our editorial work, we need your feedback. We like to know, what you are missing and which topics you like to read in the next year.
In 2025, we will again publish four issues for the CAN Newsletter magazine in March, June, September, and December. The planned cover stories are: modular (service) robots including AGVs (automated guided vehicles), construction and earth-moving machines, elevator control systems, and greenhouse automation. If you have any other topics, you like to read, please write to the editors’ desk. If you like to contribute an article, please contact us, as well. We welcome any author to share her or his knowledge with the CAN community. It is always a taking and a giving.
The CAN Newsletter magazine is published as a PDF downloadable file. It is also possible to download single articles. Legacy issues back to 2012 are available on the CiA website. There are still today downloads, even of the 2012 issues. In average, every magazine is downloaded around 5000 times in the first year after publication plus single-article downloads.
If you know other CAN-interested engineers, please forward to them the above-mentioned link to the CAN Newsletter summary page on the CiA website. This is the editors’ desk Christmas wish.
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

CAN Newsletter magazine
The December issue of the CAN Newsletter magazine contains the revised CAN XL article by Dr. A. Mutter (Bosch) of the iCC 2024 proceedings. Additionally, the revised iCC papers by Dr. K. Tindell, JK Energy (secure vehicle gateways) and T. Stueber, Teledyne (eye diagrams for CAN) are in this issue.
ISO 11992-1 compliant transceiver
Finally, the NCV7390 transceiver by Onsemi compliant with the ISO 11992-1 (CAN-based link between a towing and a towed vehicle) standard is available on the ‘open’ market. It provides a differential voltage at the output, but allows in error conditions the switching to a single-wire mode.
Systematic review of CiA technical documents
In 2025, several CiA specifications are to be maintained according to the CiA best-before-date rules. This means, CiA office calls for comments and for new feature requests. If there are pending or new comments or new feature requests, the responsible CiA technical group will start the revision of this document. Additionally, documents in DSP (draft specification proposal) state may be moved to DS (draft specification) state respectively documents in DS state may be moved to PAS (public available specification) state on request of the responsible CiA technical group.
In 2025, the following CiA technical documents will reach the best-before-date limit:
- 2025-04-30: CiA 302-8 (IEC 61131-related project management parameters)
- 2025-05-31: CiA 110 (CAN common mode choke)
- 2025-06-30: CiA 455 (CANopen application profile for drilling machines)
- 2025-08-31: CiA 611-1 (CAN XL service data unit (SDU) types)
- 2025-08-31: CiA 1311 (CiA 1301 XML schema definitions)
- 2025-09-30: CiA 408-B/-C/-F (Fluid power device profile)
- 2025-09-30: CiA 611-2 (CAN XL multi-PDU protocol)
- 2025-11-30: CiA 910-1 (CAN simulation model requirements)
Please submit your comments and new feature requests as early as possible by email to CiA office, but before the deadlines expire.
Call for experts: CANopen-connectable wheels for AGVs and AMRs
ISO/TC 299/WG 6 standardizes the XML-based description of hardware and software modules. This includes also those for wheels used in service robots including those for AGVs (automated guided vehicles) and AMRs (autonomous mobile robots). The XML files describing a robot wheel can be used by system designers to select appropriate products, which fit to other service robot modules.
CiA is participating in the ISO/TC 299/WG 6 meetings. Companies offering CANopen-connectable wheel units are invited to contact CiA office to get further information.
Embedded World China: Special call for papers
The Embedded World China trade show takes place in Shanghai from June 11 to 13, 2025. The Embedded World Conference in collaboration with CiA is calling for papers for a special CAN technology session. The topics are intended to show new CAN technology trends.
Submission of paper proposals is possible until February 18, 2025. Authors will be notified by March 25, 2025. Interested CiA members should contact Julia Dallhammer.
CiA at Embedded World and Bauma 2025
CAN in Automation is going to participate in both trade shows. The Embedded World takes place in Nuremberg (Germany) from March 11 to 13, 2025. CiA is present at booth 1/203. The Bauma trade show for construction industry is in Munich (Germany) from April 07 to 13, 2025. CiA is exhibiting in hall A2, booth 337, on a joint-stand with nine CiA member companies.
To increase visibility and draw attention to their offerings, CiA members have the possibility to show their CAN-based solutions on the CiA CANopen product panel walls. For booking, interested parties should contact CiA office via email by December 13, 2024.
CiA activities
- CiA education and information events
- CiA groups
- CiA trade shows
New CiA member since the last CCN
- Emoco Labs (SE)
- Naviq (CH)
- Shanghai ArxTech (CN)
CiA has 776 members (December 06, 2024)
CiA Product Guides
Renewed entries:
- CANopen: Beckhoff Automation
Editors: Olga Fischer, Holger Zeltwanger (responsible according to the press law)
Advertising: Birgit Ruedel (responsible according to the press law)
CAN in Automation (CiA) e. V.
Kontumazgarten 3
90429 Nuremberg (Germany)
Tel. +49-911-928819-0
AG Nuremberg VR 200497
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