CAN Info Mail
This monthly email is for all CAN fellows.
September 2023
A word from the CiA Managing Director

Suppliers of CANopen protocol stack libraries compliant with CiA 301 or CiA 1301 can preset the 32-bit vendor-ID parameter (index/sub-index 1018 01h) with the value 0000 0000h (invalid vendor-ID). This applies to commercial, free-of-charge, and open-source protocol stacks. The device supplier implementing the CANopen protocol stack needs to request a valid vendor-ID from CiA.
Alternatively, the supplier can preset the vendor-ID to its own valid vendor-ID assigned by CiA. In this case, the device responses with the vendor-ID of the protocol stack vendor. If the software supplier does not assign the product code (index/sub-index 1018 02h) uniquely to its customers, the Layer Setting Services (LSS) as specified in CiA 305 and CiA 1305 should not be used, because a worldwide unique identity is not guaranteed. The same is true for the node claiming procedure as specified in the CiA 416 profile for door control. It also requires a worldwide unique identification by means of the identity record (index 1018h).
Using generic CANopen modules to make devices CANopen-linkable, is similar to the above-mentioned CANopen protocol stack approach. The module manufacturer can preset the vendor-ID parameter to an invalid vendor-ID or apply its own vendor-ID (with all the impacts described above).
The vendor-ID parameter is a mandatory function of CANopen and CANopen FD. If you have questions regarding this topic, please do not hesitate, to contact CiA office.

Call for iCC papers: Deadline expires soon
The summer has passed and the deadline for iCC abstract submission expires in two weeks (September 15). The 18th iCC (international CAN Conference) will take place in Baden-Baden (Germany) on May 14 and 15, 2024. Any topic related to CAN technology is welcome. As usual, the iCC is accompanied by a tabletop exhibition. Sponsorship is possible, too. Parties interested in sponsoring or exhibiting should contact the CiA office for details.
Call for experts: Greenhouse automation
ISO is going to standardize CAN-based embedded control networks for automated (smart) greenhouses. This covers several domains (e.g. climate/temperature, window, lighting, irrigation, fertilization, and harvesting control systems). The first step is to standardize climate/temperature control. In a second step other embedded domain networks will be standardized as well as a backbone network including an IoT gateway. The Korean government has taken the initiative. CiA office is willing to support this standardization project, if members request and support it. The decision on the higher-layer protocol is still open: candidates are J1939/Isobus and CANopen. A Korean research institute is looking for CAN hardware and software sponsors to develop a proof-of-concept network. Interested parties can contact CiA office for details.
Call for experts: CANopen Safety improvement
CANopen Safety protocol specification has been standardized in EN 50325-5:2016. Nowadays safety demands require an improvement of the EN 50325-5 standard, otherwise the document will be withdrawn. Therefore, CiA office is calling for interested parties to review the CANopen Safety document. Please indicate your interest via email to CiA office.
Request for 62-pin HD Dsub connector pin-assignment recommendation
CiA office received a request for pin-assignment recommendation of the 62-pin HD (high-density) Dsub connector to be used in CAN networks. This connector is not in the scope of the CiA 106 recommendation. If your company deploys such connectors, please inform CiA office in order to include the pin-assignment recommendation for 62-pin HD Dsub into CiA 106.
Security for CAN XL: Presentations on Bordnetz Kongress 2023
On September 21, two presentations on security in CAN XL networks will be held at Bordnetz Kongress 2023 in Landshut (Germany). In the session 1 (11:00 to 11:30, UTC+2), Oskar Kaplun (CiA) is going to present the “Security solution for CAN-based embedded networks (CANsec)”. Right after, Dr. Friedrich Wiemer (Robert Bosch) will give a speed on "CANsec: Built-in security for CAN XL". CANsec will be sprecified in CiA 613-2 and is currently under development by the TF (task froce) security of the CiA SIG (special interest group) CAN XL.
Meet CiA at Schweissen & Schneiden tradeshow
CiA is a sub-exhibitor on the Abicor Binzel booth (hall 1, stand 1D20). CiA representatives will inform about the recently established Special Interest Group (SIG) welding and cutting. The SIG is going to develop CANopen interfaces for fume-extraction, power-source, and torch units.
If you would like speak to a CiA expert, you can schedule an appointment via email to exhibition(at)
Standardized communication interface for public LEV charging
The recent IEC 61851-3-4 and IEC 61851-3-5 technical specifications (Electric vehicles conductive power supply systems for light electric vehicles) describe a CANopen-based communication interface between the battery of a light electric vehicle (LEV) and a charging station. The series originates from the CiA 454 application profile set. It includes parameter specifications and defines also a connector.
CiA workshop: "Profile" for CANopen (FD) host controller
In a free-of-charge online workshop, on September 19, 2023 (13:00 to 15:00, UTC+2), the current requirements on host controllers for CANopen and CANopen-FD-based applications are going to be evaluated. Network start-up, network management, energy saving, safety, and security are possible discussion topics. Non-members can participate in the workshop on request. For registration, please contact secretary(at)
CiA marketing opportunities
CiA offers to its members the following CiA marketing opportunities in fall 2023:
- CiA product panels: Present your CAN(open) products at the CiA panel walls, at the CiA booths. CiA offers product panels for Interlift 2023 and SPS 2023.
- CiA Product Guides: An entry in the CiA Product Guides enables designers to find your solution, for their CAN-based applications, more easily.
- CANopen Lift poster: This A1-poster illustrates the CiA 417 CANopen application profile principles and serves as memory support for CANopen Lift users. At the poster, CiA offers its members also a place for advertisement. The poster will be distributed at the Interlift 2023.
For further details or for booking an advertisement, contact marketing(at)
CAN Newsletter magazine
The third issue of the CAN Newsletter magazine focusing on applications has been released. It includes ‘Safe passenger traffic in crowded cities’ from Dunkermotoren, ‘Pressure sensors improve cooling’ by Keller Meettechniek, ‘CANopen controller for independent metering control valves’ from TK Engineering, ‘Galvanic isolated CAN nodes in small satellites’ by Renesas, and ‘Vertical farming as a promising future concept’ by EBM-Papst.
Further articles are ‘Selecting the right encoders for safety-related motion control’ by Fraba Posital and ‘CAN data acquisition: Challenges and solutions’ from CSS Electronics. In the category engineering you can find the ‘UDSonCAN – a diagnostic protocol for various CAN applications’ by Emotas, ‘Functional safety in road vehicles’ written by Digital Core Design (DCD), and ‘Simplified ordering process for CiA 425 CANopen interfaces’ based on information by Medtron.
As usually, the ‘Standards and specifications’ section briefly informs about ongoing international CAN standardization activities.
The articles can be downloaded individually or you can download the entire magazine.
CAN Newsletter Online
Business news: Cooperations and acquisitions
This year, several companies offering CAN-related solutions have entered into strategic and/or technological business partnerships.
- Interview: “We provide CAN interfaces since the early 90ties”
- Interview: “We support CAN FD in CANopen and J1939 protocol stacks“
- PC interfaces: For battery management systems
- Proof-of-concept controller: Security for CAN XL
- AGV drive: IP65-rated servo controller supports CANopen
CAN- and CANopen-related educational training
Seminar online
- 2023-10-11: CAN for newcomers 1
- 2023-10-12: CANopen for newcomers 1
Seminar onsite
- 2023-10-24: CAN und CANopen for newcomers (Lomazzo, IT) 1
- 2023-11-28: CAN und CANopen for newcomers (Nuremberg, DE) 2
Technology day online
- 2023-09-14: Chinese technology day 1
Technology days onsite
- 2023-10-25: CiA technology day (Lomazzo, IT) 1
- 2023-11-21: CiA technology day (Kaohsiung, TW) 1
1 in English language
2 in German language
New CiA members since the last CAN Info Mail (CIM)
- Betamont (SK)
- ELRA Antriebstechnik (AT)
- Elte GPS (PL)
- Orbitalum Tools (DE)
- Performance Motion Devices (US)
- TG Drives (CZ)
CiA has 749 members (September 01, 2023)