
This SIG develops and maintains technical documents for fluid power technology proportional valves and hydrostatic transmissions such as hydraulic proportional valves, pumps, and drives.


Martin Schindelin, Moog


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Name Date Size Action
IG03 SIG05 Fluid power 2021-11-15 78 KB Login
IG03 SIG05 Fluid power 2022-02-21 169 KB Login
IG03 SIG05 Fluid power 2024-04-12 379 KB Login
IG03 SIG05 Fluid power 2020-09-18 654 KB Login
IG03 SIG05 Fluid power 2020-11-09 381 KB Login
IG03 SIG05 Fluid power 2021-01-12 59 KB Login
IG03 SIG05 Fluid power 2021-02-23 132 KB Login
IG03 SIG05 Fluid power 2021-06-28 162 KB Login
IG03 SIG05 Fluid power 2021-07-27 78 KB Login
IG03 SIG05 Fluid power 2021-10-06 278 KB Login
IG03 SIG05 Fluid power 2021-12-10 451 KB Login
IG03 SIG05 Fluid power 2021-03-29 71 KB Login
IG03 SIG05 Fluid power 2022-01-25 145 KB Login
Title Details
CiA 408-C version 1.0.0 Fluid power technology device profile - Part C: Mapping to CANopen CC

This document specifies the mapping of data objects specified in CiA 408-B to CANopen CC communication objects, especially PDO communication and mapping parameters. Additionally, this document provides requirements and recommendations for the implementation of the lower CAN layers. This specification is based on the profile “Fluid Power Technology”, version 1.7.0, designed by Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. Frankfurt/Main, Germany (VDMA).

2024-09-09 944 KB DSP Login
CiA 408-F version 1.1.0 Fluid power technology device profile - Part F: Mapping to CANopen FD

This document specifies the mapping of data objects specified in CiA 408-B to CANopen FD communication objects, especially PDO communication and mapping parameters. Additionally, this document provides requirements and recommendations for the implementation of the lower CAN layers. This specification is based on the profile “Fluid Power Technology”, version 1.7.0, designed by Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. Frankfurt/Main, Germany (VDMA).

2024-09-09 903 KB DSP Login
CiA 408-B version 1.0.0 Fluid power technology device profile - Part B: Functional device description and parameter

This document specifies functional principles and application parameters for hydraulic proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps, and hydrostatic transmissions. They can be applied on pneumatic, as well. This specification is based on the profile “Fluid Power Technology”, version 1.7.0, designed by Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. Frankfurt/Main, Germany (VDMA).

2024-09-09 4 MB DSP Login
CiA 408 version 2.2.0 CANopen device profile for fluid power technology

This CiA device profile describes the functionality of interconnectable proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps and hydrostatic transmissions. The specification is based on the profile “Fluid Power Technology”, version 1.6.3 designed by Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. Frankfurt/Main, Germany (VDMA). The device profile specifies CANopen interface for hydraulic proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps and hydrostatic transmissions. This profile may as well be applied on pneumatic devices.

2024-09-12 8 MB DS Login