No. 3 - February 14, 2025

A word from the CiA Managing Director

CAN FD light is spotlighted on CiA’s Embedded World booth (hall 1/203). There are three demonstrators running on the CiA stand: one by Bosch and another one by STMicroelectronics; the 3rd demonstrator by Vector shows tools to configure and to diagnose CAN FD light networks. CAN FD light is a commander/responder communication method internationally standardized in ISO 11898-1:2024. It is specified in an annex of this standard. Currently, the related conformance test plan is under development (ISO 16845-1).

A conference accompanies the Embedded World trade show (March 11 to 13, 2025). The session 1.9 is named CAN protocols and security. It is co-organized by CiA. Gregor Sunderdiek (Bosch) presents CAN FD light, Olaf Pfeiffer (EmSA) talks about the consequences of cybersecurity acts and regulations, and Dr. Arthur Mutter (Bosch) presents CAN XL as an enabler of future-proof E/E architectures. There might be more CAN-related topics in other conference sessions. Employees of CiA member companies get a 15-percent discount on the conference fee (promotion code: EWC25CAN).

The Embedded World trade show takes place in Nuremberg (Germany). The NürnbergMesse has acquired Weka Fachmedien, a trade media company with some 40 employees arranging events including the Embedded World conference. For more than 20 years, the two companies cooperate in the Embedded World event. This year, CiA supports the Embedded World conferences in Nuremberg and in Shanghai by means of reviewing CAN-related paper submissions and chairing dedicated CAN sessions.

This trade show is a home game for CiA and a good opportunity for visitors to contact CiA staff in person. We can discuss any CAN-related topic and inform you also about upcoming developments in CAN technology. CiA is always a good source for company- and product-independent views and opinions. Do not waste the possibility to meet the CiA staff.

CAN Newsletter magazine

The March issue is under preparation. The main focus is on modular service robots. Additionally, there are articles planned, on how to design CAN FD networks. CiA will distribute some hardcopies on its Embedded World booth. The current December issue as well as legacy issue back to March 2012 are available on the CiA website for free-of-charge downloads.

CiA Member Days

On February 25 and 26, the CiA Member Days take place in Frankfurt a. M. (Germany). On this two-days event, two CiA technical group meetings are integrated: The CiA SIG (special interest group) CAN XL TF (task force) security discusses a new proposal of an OSI layer-2 security approach by Bosch and the IG (interest group) CANopen FD continues to work on additional application layer functions.

Online seminars for CAN and CANopen newcomers

On March 18 and 19 (8:00 to 12:00, UTC+1), CiA organizes two web-based seminars in English language. Introduction into physical layer, data link layer, and higher-layer protocols for CAN CC (classic) and CAN FD as well as the future of CAN are presented on March 18. The lower layers, device architecture, protocols, and profiles for CANopen CC and CANopen FD are the topics on March 19. This seminar gives also an insight into the CANopen future. Interested parties are welcome to register via email.

U.S. tariffs on semiconductors

Donald Trump said tariffs on foreign computer chips and semiconductors are coming in the near future. It is unclear, if this relates only to the IC (integrated circuit) market or if this affects also ICs embedded in modules, devices, and systems. The U.S. president wants to force the chipmakers to produce in the U.S.A. He gossiped about tariffs from 25 percent up to 100 percent for ICs manufactured abroad in a speech end of January. This concerns microcontrollers with on-chip CAN protocol controllers and CAN transceivers, too. By the way, TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.) plans to move its chip production to countries with lower U.S. tariffs, when Trump will punish Taiwan with semiconductor tariffs up to 100 percent as said.

CAN definition

The term “controller area network (CAN)” is referenced in many documents including standards. In some of these documents, a definition is given. Unfortunately, those are not all valuable. In order to improve the situation, the following harmonized ISO definition should be used:

News ticker

+++ Elmos (Germany) has launched the cascadable E522.96 OLED driver IC for exterior vehicle lighting, featuring CAN FD connectivity; it can control up to 48 OLED segments. +++ The MC 3602 B and MC 3606 B motion controllers by Faulhaber comply with the CiA 402 profile specification series, providing a CANopen interface. +++ Rafi has developed the configurable 3L joystick for Fendt tractors; it is IP5K4-rated and provides an Isobus interface. +++ New CiA member Macome (Japan) offers linear encoders and inclinometers with CAN interfaces. +++ NXP has started to sample its i.MX 94 systems-on-chip (SoC) series featuring CAN FD interfaces; the chips are intended for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and industrial gateway units. +++ Miunske produces a CAN-connectable multi-sound module intended for vehicle applications; it can play back acoustic signals and voice messages by the vehicle operator (up to 50 messages). +++

CiA activities

New CiA members since the last CCN

  • Altinay Robot Technologies (TR)
  • Growy Group (NL)
  • Hydrotechnik (DE)
  • Metron Automation (GR)
  • MGB-Tech (BE)

CiA has 741 members (February 14, 2025)

New video on Youtube

CiA Product Guides

Renewed entries:

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Editors: Olga Fischer, Holger Zeltwanger (responsible according to the press law)
Advertising: Birgit Ruedel (responsible according to the press law)

CAN in Automation (CiA) e. V.
Kontumazgarten 3
90429 Nuremberg (Germany)
Tel. +49-911-928819-0
AG Nuremberg VR 200497

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