Technical Director

Since 2023, Magnus-Maria Hell, working with Infineon, is the elected Technical Director chairing the Technical Committee. Additionally, he chairs the IG04 Lower layers and he leads the TF CAN XL physical layer.
Business Director

Since 2017, Christian Schlegel, owner of the CS Consulting engineering and longtime former Managing Director of Ixxat Automation, which became the Ixxat brand of HMS Industrial Networks, is the elected Business Director chairing the Business Committee. Additionally, he chairs the MG CAN XL. In 2001 and 2002, he was elected as Technical Director.
Managing Director

Since 1992, Holger Zeltwanger, initiator and founding member of the CiA e. V., is member of the board of directors. Additionally, he chairs provisionally the IG03 Profiles, the IG05 J1939, and the IG03 Security and safety. Furthermore, he leads the TC TF02 Modelling and the TC TF03 (cybersecurity) terminology. He is also the convenor of the ISO TC22 SC31 WG3 in-vehicle networks and ISO TC22 SC31 WG4 network applications as well as expert in some DIN, IEC, ISO, and SAE standardization bodies.
CiA GmbH, owned by CiA e. V.
In 1999, the nonprofit CiA e. V. founded the CiA GmbH, which is currently managed by Reiner Zitzmann. The CiA GmbH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CiA e. V., provides all the services offered by CiA e. V., including the publication of the CAN Newsletter and the organization of the international CAN Conference (iCC). Additionally, it offers education through seminars and in-house seminars, provides conformance test services, and publishes CiA Product Guides. It employs secretaries, engineers, and editorial staff. Its office facilities are located in Nuremberg, Germany.