General information

Rules and regulations define CiA’s test policy for ensuring conformance to the CANopen CC application layer and communication profile (CiA 301).

Scope and application

CAN in Automation e. V. authorizes and regulates CANopen CC conformance testing. The CiA Special Interest Group (SIG) application layer is responsible for the CANopen CC conformance testing specification as well as the certification policy. The goal is to achieve conformance of CANopen CC devices from all CANopen CC manufacturers. The certification policy applies to all CANopen CC devices successfully tested by CiA GmbH.

Device certification

Devices shall be tested with the CANopen conformance testing tool based on the current version of the conformance test specification. The device under test (DUT) shall perform all test cases successfully.

A certification number is assigned to each device tested successfully, and the company who ordered conformance testing receives an official certification document. Test results are confidential between vendor and test laboratory.

Only certified devices will be published on CiA’s website.

Device shall only be marked as CANopen CC certified if they have passed the conformance testing at CiA GmbH and all certification fees have been paid.

The right to mark devices as CANopen CC certified may be revoked upon notice of non-conformance by CiA e. V.

Passing the conformance test does not relieve the vendor of responsibility for conformance of the CANopen CC application layer and communication profile, in particular the dynamical establishing of PDOs and the variable mapping of PDOs.

Family certification

A device family is a group of products from a single vendor that is derived from a common implementation.

A device family is characterized by CANopen CC interfaces that provide the very same application layer features except the number and default mapping of the implemented PDOs, the additional info in the device type object (1000h), sub-index 02h, 03h and 04h of the identity object (1018h) and objects 1009h and 100Ah. All family members must follow the same device profile (however they may support different objects in the area above 1FFFh). A complete list of product family members together with all electronic data sheets (EDSs) shall be submitted at the time of testing.

At least two representative (but not identical) devices from the device family and all EDSs shall be tested in case of the family certification. A vendor can ask for family enhancement by submitting the eds file of the new family member and a written statement that the new product shares the same CANopen CC implementation.

Certification is only valid for the tested devices and the used CANopen CC conformance test tool version (both shall be mentioned in the certification document).

Re-testing is required if the CANopen CC implementation or behavior of the device has been changed or enhanced using hardware, firmware or software. Re-testing is recommended if the conformance test tool has been updated.

Preparation for CANopen device conformance testing

In order to arrange a test session at CiA testing laboratory you order the conformance testing at CiA using the order form (see web link).

Please fill out the order form and send it back to us

by email: service(at)


by a fax: +49-911-928819-79.

After that we provide a quotation for your device(s) and submit it along with the order confirmation and invoice for conformance testing pre-payment. At this point you can send your device(s) to CiA office for testing.

If applies, CiA requests to provide the following information for the customs to avoid customs issues with the delivered devices as well as to reduce or avoid unnecessary duty payments:

  • statement that the device is sent for the testing purposes only,
  • statement that the device is only temporary at CiA and will be returned to the owner after the conformance testing is accomplished,
  • information on device(s) monetary value in EURO,
  • customs goods number (required for sending your device back).

It is possible that you have to pay the export tax and the tax on items imported. We require your agreement to those conditions. Please send your agreement to us by email service(at)

CiA requires all companies ordering conformance testing independently from the country of origin to pay for the certification in advance. CiA initiates testing of the device(s) once we receive this payment. It takes maximum a week to report test results.

Please send the necessary CAN cable adapter (DE-9 or 5-pin M12 connector) for connecting your device to the CANopen CC network as well as the power supply cable adapter (banana pins, if powered with the DC (power adapter) and Schuko type F connector CEE 7/4, if powered with AC). If the device requires industrial supply of AC 380V/up to 415V please provide the necessary power supply cable adapter.

EDS file(s) shall be provided as well.

If there are no problems the device will be certified by CiA. If there are errors in CANopen CC behavior, test requester fix them and sends updated device(s) for re-testing to CiA. Then CiA re-tests the device and if there are no more errors, the device is getting certified. The additional re-testing hour (test evaluation only) is charged separately (see hourly rate).

CiA wishes you successful testing.

Guidline to fill out the conformance testing order form


"Name" company name as it shall appear in the certificate.


"Name" - device name as it is provided in the eds and shall appear in the certificate.

"EDS"  EDS file name as it is provided in the EDS file and the EDS file name as well as the product name that shall appear in the certificate.

"Vendor-ID" indicates a valid device identifier. If no Vendor-ID is assigned the device can not be certified. Please order the valid Vendor-ID at CiA.


"Supported NMT functionality" - it is an either or. Simple start-up capable device can be tested. NMT manager tests are neither defined not tested. In case simple start-up capable device  and NMT manager support NMT server functionality and object 1F80h, setting of the bit 0 of this object to "0" indicates the device is NMT server and can be tested.

"Number of supported SDOs"  - every CANopen CC device supports at least a default SDO server. A further SDO server(s) can be supported.


To help decide if the device or family testing is required contact CiA.